Sessions Overview
The Exit Planning Summit features an assortment of session types to fully immerse advisors in exit planning content from industry experts, partners, and thought leaders.
Regardless of your primary discipline, all CEPAs should be promoting the use of a Triggering Event to begin the Value Acceleration process. Why? Because it triggers a flurry of action. The Triggering Event is an independent personal, financial, and business assessment correlated to the business range of value. This first step in the Value Acceleration Methodology™ is a game-changer. It is a supercharged business valuation because it not only tells owners what their business is worth today (if anything), but it also tells them what its potential Best-in-Class Value may be.
For many business owners, knowing the Best-In-Class Value is even more valuable than knowing its present value. Better yet, it explains why the business is worth what it is today and identifies specific actions to protect, build, and unlock value, often increasing the owner’s personal wealth by 5-10x. Further, it predicts the probability of succeeding with growth and transition strategies and identifies the owner’s Wealth Gap, Profit Gap, and Value Gap. Knowing these three gaps is critical. Yet, most owners are not even aware of them.
During this interactive workshop the creator of the Value Acceleration Methodology, Author of Walking to Destiny, and CEO of Exit Planning Institute, Chris Snider, will provide insights and share his tips to sell, conduct, and deliver a Triggering Event. This workshop is exclusive to 40 people ensuring you receive one-on-one time with Chris to get your exit planning questions answered.
- Learn key language, terms, and techniques used to intrigue the business owner
- How to sell the benefits of the Triggering Event
- How to execute the five steps to produce the Triggering Event deliverable
- How to deliver the Triggering Event in an interactive workshop