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Sessions Overview

The Exit Planning Summit features an assortment of session types to fully immerse advisors in exit planning content from industry experts, partners, and thought leaders.

A Personal Plan consists of four elements: a Lifestyle Plan, a personal financial plan, a will, and an estate plan. The Lifestyle Plan is the foundational piece as it provides the person who will create the financial plan with information they are not likely to know otherwise.  A CEPA does not need to be involved in creating the Lifestyle Plan but needs to understand what is involved in creating it so they are comfortable referring their client to an expert who will effectively assist the owner to do it. 


This case study pulls the curtain back on how Next Chapter Lifestyle Advisors’ guides exiting owners in designing their Lifestyle Plan for life-after-the-sale. You will get a good feel for the five steps your owner will go through and what is involved in each step. You will see an example of a completed Lifestyle Plan and how it is essential input to the financial plan.

  • Understand what a Lifestyle Plan is and why it is so important 
  • Discover the five steps that an owner walks through to create their own plan 
  • See the benefits you and your owner derive from this process 